"Exactly 10 months after I called RG Adoption Consulting for the first time, I left the hospital with my baby boy. " Jill, New Orleans, LA
I grew up in a great family with lots of love, had the kindest friends, and always pictured myself as a mom one day. I’ve also always been pretty independent. I made a nice life for myself with a good job and a home of my own, consciously setting my life up to be able to provide for a child one day. But I had a nagging fear in the back of my head that started when I was in high school, “But what if it doesn’t happen for me?” I dated here and there, but by my mid-20s my desire to have a family was getting stronger and stronger.
Then I met someone, “the one.” The one who I felt loved me for me, understood me, knew I didn’t need to be “taken care of,” and genuinely made my days happier. I thought it was an epic love story…until it wasn’t. I grieved for a long time about the relationship and about my plans to become a mom.
I tried dating again and through this experience I realized that I was happier single. One day a light bulb went off in my head, telling me to look into adoption on my own. I knew I had so much love to give a birth mother and her child. I finally felt peace and a greater purpose in my life.
Early on in my research, I found RG Adoption Consulting on Facebook. Becca was so inspiring because she had also adopted as a single mother. She was the first person that made me realize it was possible. When I was ready to make this dream a reality, I told my parents my plan and called Becca the next day. That phone call was the start of my new beginning.
The adoption process was emotionally challenging to say the least. Even though I had mentally prepared myself as much as I could, you are never quite prepared for the emotional ups and downs of adoption. Through it all, Becca helped me navigate my journey.
I did all the work needed to become “adoption-ready”—home study complete, a profile I felt great about, and agency applications in. Then I waited. And waited some more. “It’s just not happening for me,” I thought.
I was matched with an expectant mother who had seen my profile and chose me!! She was due in about 3 months, in October which was my favorite month! I got so caught up in the feeling that I was chosen, that I accepted the situation despite my nagging feeling that something was off. It ended up falling through and again, I experienced that horrible feeling that life had let me down again. I suffered an emotional and financial loss; however, I had come too far to stop now. I knew the failed match was for the best because my baby was still out there. Even when I had a difficult time trusting again, I felt like someone was really on my side, listening to me, and caring about my best interests whenever I talked to my consultant.

Becca was there when I needed to vent. She reminded me to put good energy into my adoption process. She assured me that I would be a great mom. Becca was a reliable source through the entire adoption process, which made all the difference in the world. She always did what she said she would do when she said she was going to do it. Having that constant, genuine support made it so that I never felt alone.
After I presented to my son’s birth mother, I felt unexplainably calm and content. I ended up getting THE call. She chose me too and my baby was going to be born in 2 days! It all felt so surreal. My mom and I hopped on a plane the next morning, and before I knew it I was holding the most perfect baby boy I’d ever seen. It was scary and emotional while waiting to see if his birth mother was sure of her decision. I spent a couple of days getting to know her and hoping she trusted that I would love and care for her son. She did and I became his mom. Everything that led me to that day suddenly made sense.
Exactly 10 months after I called RG Adoption Consulting for the first time, I left the hospital with my baby boy. It’s amazing how much one phone call can change your whole life.
Jaxon and I are home now, and I couldn’t imagine my life any other way. We are constantly learning from each other, and I know he is destined for great things! We keep in touch with Becca and the RG Adoption Community she has built for her clients to share advice, resources, and stories, as well as to offer support and encouragement to one another.
While the journey to adopting my son was filled with ups and downs, it is my perfectly imperfect story and I wouldn’t change a thing about it.