"The support from our consultant was unwavering, making the challenging moments bearable."
Megan & Brian, Maryland
In the quiet moments before our decision to adopt, our hearts held the weight of grief. Losing our son at 41 weeks gestation left an indelible mark on our lives. The thought of navigating the journey of pregnancy and childbirth again was a road we couldn’t fathom. However, after a year of mourning, the desire to expand our family persisted. We found hope in exploring adoption, an avenue we hadn’t considered before.

Attending an information session with RG Adoption Consulting was the turning point in our journey. The apprehension we carried began to dissipate as we learned about adoption grants and other resources. We felt supported through RGAC’s comprehensive Adoption Roadmap Model. Emotions ebbed and flowed, but our commitment never wavered. We faced the slow progress of getting home study approved with determination and resilience.
Our first inquiry call with RG Adoption marked the beginning of an exhilarating and, at times, overwhelming journey. Financial concerns loomed large, but our excitement outweighed the uncertainties. We decided to embark on this path with RG Adoption Consulting, drawn in by their holistic approach and the supportive online community that made us feel less isolated.
Our adoption journey wasn’t without challenges. A heartbreaking fallthrough with a birth mother left us devastated, angry, and frustrated. Months of emotional and financial investment seemingly crumbled. Yet, our consultant’s reassuring words reminded us that our journey wasn’t over. Empowered, we forged ahead, knowing that setbacks were part of the process.
Amidst the trials, three moments stood out as beacons of joy. The thrill of being connected with an expectant mom, the relief of home study approval, and the unparalleled joy of meeting our baby for the first time. The hospital scene unfolded quickly, just 48 hours after our match, and the overwhelming love we felt held us in awe.
The speed of the adoption process surprised us! Our expectations were challenged, and we gained a deeper appreciation for the complexities of adoption.
Our relationship with our child’s birth mother is evolving. The pace was swift, matched and placed within 48 hours, leaving us navigating the delicate balance of connection and space.
Reflecting on our journey, the advice we’d give ourselves is to be patient, honest, and vigilant for red flags. Assumptions can cloud judgment, and patience is key. If we could whisper these insights to our past selves, the journey might have been smoother, but the joy of holding our child in our arms is immeasurable.

In the end, RG Adoption Consulting played a pivotal role in guiding us through the emotional labyrinth of adoption. The support from our consultant was unwavering, making the challenging moments bearable. Our hearts overflow with gratitude as we embrace the joy and warmth of our newfound family.