"I knew the minute I read her story that Becca was going to help me find my baby!" Sarah, Texas

I have thought about adoption for years. The first time that I remember thinking that I would like to adopt someday was in high school. I did not have a clear timeline in my head about how that would happen, but when I was younger, I did imagine that it would happen with my eventual husband.
As time when on and I had not met my Prince Charming yet, I started to think seriously about becoming a mother “on my own.” Although I briefly explored other options, adoption was never far from my mind. I did lots of research online about domestic adoption, international adoption, and adopting through the foster care system. All of the information was overwhelming, and I never felt as though I could find the right path to move forward.
I had been referred to another adoption consultant and had her information at hand for months. But, I never called her.
In January of 2014, I went on a girl’s trip with two friends of mine. It was one of those great weekends filled with laughter and talking about fears, dreams, and, of course, food and shopping! During that weekend, I shared my desire to become a mother and that I was feeling as though I needed to move forward or set that dream aside.
A week or so after returning home, my friend whom I had been traveling with, sent me a text and said, “you have to check out this website!” It was Becca’s new website, and I knew the minute that I read her story that she was going to help me find my baby.
I immediately set up an appointment for my consultation which was on February 11, 2014. From that moment on, I did not look back. I will never forget Becca telling me during that conversation that it was very possible I could be a mother by my birthday, which is August 9th. I could not believe that it might happen that quickly!
I took every piece of advice that Becca gave me, and she held my hand through the entire process.
I went into warp speed and spent evenings and weekends pulling all of my paperwork together and getting ready for my home study. I finally felt as though the path I was looking for was clearly set in front of me. By the end of April, my home study was approved.
I quickly finished my profile book with Becca’s guidance and mailed my first application at the beginning of May. One day after my application had been received, I was presented with a situation. I had a feeling that it was THE right situation and said that I would like to be presented to the birth mother. The following week, she selected me, and we were officially matched!

My beautiful daughter was born in August – the best belated birthday gift ever! It was only 6 months after my initial conversation with Becca!
I was never “on my own” in this process. In fact, the process brought me closer to so many people in my life. Everyone wanted to help with references and letters for my profile book and sharing in the roller coaster of excitement, fear, joy, and a few tears. There were quite a few ups and downs throughout the process, and especially immediately after placement.
Along with my family and friends, Becca was there for me every step of the way. She was so responsive and supportive and has truly become a friend. I am so grateful to her for helping to guide me to my daughter. I knew I would find her, but wasn’t quite sure how.
Are you ready to make your dreams come true? Sign up for a free consultation today!